Universally renowned for introducing the first blender to America in 1937, Waring has become one of the world’s leading producers and manufacturers of domestic and professional catering appliances and products. Waring strives to provide innovative and reliable equipment that meets the requirements of professional and commercial catering kitchens and chefs. To date, Waring has over 80 years of experience and continues to design and manufacture some of the best commercial kitchen equipment for large and busy venues. Here at Cooksmill, we stock some of Waring’s best-selling products, designed and manufactured to make food preparation easier and more efficient.
Waring Catering Equipment
Universally renowned for introducing the first blender to America in 1937, Waring has become one of the world’s leading producers and manufacturers of domestic and professional catering appliances and products. Waring strives to provide innovative and reliable equipment that meets the requirements of professional and commercial catering kitchens and chefs. To date, Waring has over 80 years of experience and continues to design and manufacture some of the best commercial kitchen equipment for large and busy venues. Here at Cooksmill, we stock some of Waring’s best-selling products, designed and manufactured to make food preparation easier and more efficient.