Summer is here!
That’s right, we’re fast approaching the seasonal joys of of overly long school holidays, god-awful panama hats and dare I say…socks with sandals.
On the flipside, BBQs and some much promised sun. So it ain’t all bad.
At Cooksmill, we’re stocked and ready to cater to all your summer needs – grills for the ace barbecutionist in all of us, cocktail mixers for those garden parties and the uber-fashionable Kilner jars.
Yes, Kilner jars are flying off our shelves! Who would have thunk it? The long-time kitchen staple of Grandmothers (does anybody under 65 have jars in their home anymore?!) up and down the country is now the height of fashion. Whatever you’re drinking, or your guests are drinking – cocktails, mixers or a Pimms Cup – it seems that everybody wants to be seen drinking out of a jar.
So here, we present 5 alternative uses for the Kilner jar this summer.
1) Sweet`s Holder
Everybody loves sweets! Fill a Kilner full of your favourite sweets – not so good for your teeth, but sure to make you popular at your place.
2) Night Light / Candle Holder
I’m not sure how many of us just have spare candles hanging about (I suspect not a great many), but if you do, a Kilner makes for a pretty fuss-free candle holder (though expect people to ask, quite rightly, why you’ve put a candle in a jar?)
3) Vase
It’ll make a good (serviceable, it will, in no way, look good) vase if you want to keep costs down. Although, you could always pop into Cooksmill and browse our fine selection of vases. Yes, we even sell vases!
4) Pen Holder
Round-up all those stray biros (the one in the car that’s been there since ’06, the five half-working ones in that draw in the kitchen that’s full of random stuff people never throw away), that collection of highlighter pens you bought in university but only ever used once, and all that other miscellaneous office crap that gathers round the house. Put it in a Kilner.
5) Spider Catcher
I know what you’re thinking: they’ve run out of ideas. You’re wrong. Nothing traps a spider like a Kilner jar. Not only have I now given you a very valuable weapon in the ongoing war against the menace that is the house spider, but I’m also going to tell you how. See a spider. Put the jar over the spider. Simple.