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Baffle filters serve a critical role in keeping commercial kitchens clean and safe. Our baffle filters are made from sturdy and resilient stainless steel and are designed to capture and contain grease and oil particles that arise during cooking. This prevents the grease from forming a layer on the surrounding areas.

The construction of our baffles filters is simple yet effective. They are engineered with a series of angled and overlapping fins that force the airborne grease and oil particles to change direction and slow down. This sudden shift in momentum causes the particles to condense and stick to the baffle filter's surface, preventing them from escaping into the surrounding air. 

This helps to reduce the risk of fire hazards by preventing grease buildup on kitchen surfaces, walls, and ducts. Our baffle filters also help to maintain good indoor air quality by reducing the amount of smoke and grease-laden vapours that escape into the kitchen area.

These filters are also easy to clean and maintain, ensuring that the filters function efficiently, and prolonging their lifespan. Even if the intensity of your cooking is high and the baffle filter requires more cleaning, their high-quality construction means they can withstand the use of cleaning products and still be used time and time again, making these a staple in any commercial kitchen.

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