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Our bottle skips are an essential tool for businesses that generate a large amount of glass waste. These skips are designed to safely and efficiently store and transport empty bottles to recycling facilities. With their sturdy and durable construction, they can withstand the weight and volume of multiple glass bottles, making them a reliable and practical solution for businesses of all sizes.

These bottle skips have impressive capacities. They are available in a range of different sizes, from small skips that can hold a few dozen bottles to larger skips that can hold much more. This makes them a great option for bars, restaurants, catering companies and other food service and hospitality businesses. 

The portability of these bottle skips makes them even easier to handle in busy commercial environments. All of our bottle skips are equipped with wheels and handles, making them easy to move around and transport between locations, This is especially important for restaurants or bars that generate glass waste in multiple areas or floors of the building, as the skips can easily be move to where they are needed. 

Designs with safety in mind, these bottle skips have sturdy construction to ensure that broken glass and other hazards are contained, reducing the risk of injury to both employees and customers. This makes them a great option for anyone who handles large amounts of glass bottles.

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